Who is SillySkyGirl?

Silly Sarah Great question!!!

My name is Sarah.  I started my skydiving adventure on April 24, 2004 with a tandem at Skydive Orange in Virginia.  When I landed, I realized that one jump was not going to be enough! Subsequently, I did two more tandems.  Still not enough! I wanted to do it by myself.  On July 10, 2004, I returned to Orange for the first jump course and made my first AFF skydive.

Unfortunately, it took me an entire year to year to earn my A license! My experience was not typical, but when you break your ankle on your 4th AFF jump, it tends to slow you down! Over the years, I have had a number of obstacles that have made my skydiving experience challenging (two kids, broken bones, multiple surgeries, a divorce, moving, etc), but I refuse to give up until I have been skydiving in every state!  I've come a long way since that first jump. My travels have taken me to 59 drop zones in 47 states!

As soon as I had enough jumps to start mentoring other jumpers, I found myself taking newbies under my wing.  I am passionate about encouraging new jumpers and helping them develop the skills and the confidence they need to be successful in the sport. Over the years, I have watched as they surpass me in jumps and skill.  It's really awesome to see them succeed!  Recently, I became a delegate for The Pink Mafia Sisters - a group dedicated encouraging the women in our sport.

What makes my skydiving adventure awesome?  

Skydiving...Duh!!! Oh...and the PEOPLE.  Along the way, I've met some of the COOLEST people with amazing stories!  I've jumped with some of the best -  World Champions, World Record Holders, National Champions, State Record Holders, people who started skydiving before I was born and one organizer with over 30,000 skydives!  I've met people from all over the world and even some TV personalities. It's hard to keep track of them all, but easy to identify the most important person I met skydiving - my husband!      

In June of 2010, I married my best friend, Matt.  When he asked me to marry him, I told him the only thing I could promise him was unlimited torture.  You can laugh, but I wasn't kidding! Since then, we have been through some difficult situations.  Matt has stood by me and helped me navigate every twist and turn this life time has presented.

Together, we embarked on a journey to skydive in every state and we finished!  

Oh...and I am silly!  Some skydivers take themselves very seriously and it can make skydiving stressful!  I only have two goals when I skydive.  The first goal - it has to be fun!  If there aren't smiles, then we are doing something wrong!  The second goal...land safe!  At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if we got 20 points or if we messed up the exit.  Who cares!  We aren't doing brain surgery! We are just playing in the sky.

Hiking In California

I feel fortunate to share my life with Matt.  We enjoy our time together - no matter what we are doing!  Skydiving, hiking, shooting guns, playing cards, or just chilling at home.  When we are together, life is better.  Once we've finished skydiving in every state, we are going to try to visit all the National Parks. The photo above was taken in Death Valley National Park in December of 2013.  Hope you enjoy following on this remarkable journey!