Sarah & JoeThe restaurant was just over 10 miles away from the drop zone. Even though it was taking us in the wrong direction, we figured it was worth checking out. At least, Joe and Jacque were headed toward home.

Matt ordered a 1/2 lb Boyden Farm burger and I ordered a grilled chicken arugula salad. Our lunches were a little pricey, but Joe pointed out that in Vermont they use select beef from local farms. 

While we were waiting for our food, we had a chance to talk about Joe's job. He works so many hours - nearly 70 each week. It's not often that he has the weekend off - 1 out of every 5! We lucked out that he just happened to be off when we were going to be at VSA. Our visit was meant to happen.

Prior to meeting us at VSA, Joe talked to one of his bartenders about skydiving. The guy told Joe that he had recently done a tandem for $150.00 in Burlington. That's $100.00 less than the fee at VSA. However, it's hard to compare what you're getting if you don't know what to expect.

In the Washington, DC area, you can get a "discount" tandem, but they are not going to take you all they way up. I suggested he go over to the drop zone in Burlington as an observer. Now that he had been to VSA, he'd had a point of reference. VSA is a USPA member drop zone and the place in Burlington is not. I felt very comfortable at VSA and I think it's worth the extra money, but Joe may feel differently. 

I really enjoyed the visit with Joe and Jacque. I only wish we could have stayed longer! Matt said his burger was excellent and both Joe and Jacque enjoyed their sandwiches. My salad was yummy, but I needed more calories. 3 Square Cafe took us a little out of our way, but it was definitely worth the trip!

When I snapped this picture with Joe, it was 3:15 PM and we were 602 miles from home. It was going to be another late night.